Today I launched my latest personal project,
Voyage. Its an adaption of the 3d blogging engine I built earlier in the year. Its a RSS feed reader. Posts are sorted by date so all your feeds are combined into one stream. Users can manage the feeds it reads using the feed management pane. Navigation through the feeds is done using the scroll wheel or up and down keys on your keyboard. Have a play and let me know what you think.
Amazing website
Great job Andy however I can't see it being a direct competitor to bloglines or google reader.
Never the less it's very impressive. I have blogged about this on my RSS blog http://www.newsniche.com
Wao, really amazing job !
Unfortunatly, as a french user, I tried to add some french feed (i.e. RSS feed of lemonde.fr), and it seems it have some trouble showing anything with accents (ç, à, é, è, etc.)...
(ex : "l'Assemblée nationnale adopte le projet de loi contre la récidive" devient : "L'assemblnationale adopte le projet de loi contre la rdive")
uhhhh; it looks hot - thumbs up !
Great feedback guys. I do agree with you Allan. But consider these ideas I have in mind for it. Marking read articles, different galaxies for different topics (users can define their own galaxies/topics ie tech feeds, design feeds, news feeds, etc). Porting the website to AS3 for much better speed and readability using the new filters and improved code. I know it will never be as good as google reader. But I am one person working in my spare time vs a multi million dollar company. I try my best :)
Herve you have a very valid point I fixed this problem tonight as I noticed most people using Voyage are french. From now on it should display French characters properly.
As a mater of fact, your rssvoyage had a news on http://www.infos-du-net.com/actualite/11225-Voyage-flux-RSS-3D.html , explaining part of your french's popularity, I bet :)
I just checked again, and it seems the bug for french langage isn't fixed yet :-/
just a question, if you don't mind : do you plan adding an "account" feature ? (with a login and a pass, stuff like that, instead of automatic log with the IP)
hi Andy,
Stunning, outstanding work !! I love the idea. I too was wondering about the identification thing, but then it occurred to me that if people create accounts that mays mean more server storage needed, am I right or wrong ?
Anyway, being fascinated by semantic cartography (I like to use kartoo and ujiko), I first thought about that idea when I landed on rssvoyage. Was the idea of semantic cartography in your initial conception (besides 3D) ?
I LOVE this! Really nice interface, very intuitive and looks lovely. Good work fella!
Great. Fun to use. But as mentioned above there is a problem with accents (in my case Polish - ą,ę,ś,ż,ź...).
Wow, Andy thats incredible, I love the time orientated approach in many ways. I'm not sure I could get used to using it as my sole reader but I am trying and am very impressed with how slick it is. Well done!
Sweet.. nice one kiwi
Great! My life needs one less drop down menu! Did you ever consider using the middle "time line" like a sparkline graph that would display bars of relative size to depict times of the day when more news is being published? That way you could home in right on the hot spots.
i love the rss voyage site... the only problem is that when I refresh the screen, it shows the welcome window again; do i have to refresh for new content or is the rss feeds automatically pinged at a certain time rate? let me know thanks.
Hi steve. If you look carefully the timeline is actually already doing what you talk about. But its using colour temperature rather than height. The brighter the bar the more post during that time :)
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