The best game I have played in a long time. I have to admit I don't play many games these days. The only gaming system I own these days is the Nintendo
DS. So when Zelda came out for the
DS last week I decided to buy the game and have a go. I was blown away! Many games have come out for the
DS over the last 3 years since it was launched. The quality and originality of these games is what has allowed Nintendo to trump the Sony
PSP with its lower
spec'd DS console. My favourite
DS games to date are;
Mario Karts (Especially in
wifi mode),
Super Mario bros,
Advance Wars Dual Strike &
Final Fantasy 3,
Mario 64. But none have managed to make the touch screen and dual screens the core element of the game except perhaps Advance Wars, a great strategy game. But even Advance Wars can be navigated using the keypad if need be. Zelda on the other hand is a game designed entirely around the
DS platform. All movement within the game involves tapping, swishing and swirling with the stylus. It also uses the built in microphone to solve some puzzles involving blowing into the microphone or yelling at it. The game is so engaging and varied you lose hours of your life at a time without the slightest idea.
The Legend of Zelda - Phantom Hourglass is destined to be a classic game of all time and a masterpiece for the
DS system. I really recommend you buy this game if you own a