Thursday, December 21, 2006

10000 Sheep

What happens when you get 10,000 workers to draw a sheep...


Tuesday, December 19, 2006


I have been experimenting with some 3d in flash. I bought a book by Robert Penner that had some basic ideas around creating 3d and I have been evolving from there. My mate Pete has been adding the visual design while I work on the interface and engine. Its really starting to take shape, soon it will be ready to use. If you would like a sneak peak view it here: Blog+
Feel free to offer feedback about it.

Google Zietgeist 2005

Google is constantly collecting data on the search queries made using its search engine. And they often release generalised statistics to the public. Each year they release some interesting statistics related to those statistics. 2005 is no exception with very interesting statistics involving the bombings in London, hurricanes in America and Star wars.

Google Zeitgeist 2005